progetto scienza

Why I Came to Hate Math
di Olivier Peyon

Why I Came to Hate Math
di Olivier Peyon | FRANCIA / 1h40’, Doc & Film

La matematica ti ha sempre annoiato, e tu hai sempre
accettato di non essere ferrato in questa materia. In breve,
hai sempre odiato la matematica! Eppure Apple, Google,
Goldman Sachs si basano tutti su algoritmi e formule matematiche.
In un viaggio intorno al mondo per incontrare i
più grandi matematici, in particolare Cédric Villani (medaglia
Fields 2010), scopriremo come la matematica ha cambiato
il nostro mondo in meglio, e qualche volta in peggio!

_So math has always bored you, you’ve always accepted
you were bad at it. In short, you’ve always hated math! It
would be laughable if math hadn’t become of such paramount
importance in our world: Apple, Google, Goldman
Sachs are all based on algorithms and mathematical formulas.
Taking us on a journey around the world to meet
the greatest mathematicians, notably Cédric Villani (2010
Fields Medal award), “How I Came to Hate Math” tells the
story of how mathematics has changed our world for the
better, and sometimes for the worse.

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